July 23, 2011

Random Soapbox for Saturday 7/23/11

I don’t mean to go off on a rant here, but …

I may have taken the high road this past Wednesday, but it was admittedly just so I could scout out the low road. So, if you want, join me on that particular journey (you may need a few minutes to get it through it, though -- so curl up with a beverage of choice). If you don't want, move on -- after all, as you'll soon see, THAT is exactly the point.

Here’s what happened approximately 72 hours ago: I posted my randomness as a status update, as I’ve done nearly 1000 times before since starting down this creative avenue, only to have this comment appear --"BORING....STOP WITH SUCH BULLSHIt!!!!!!!!!!!!!....I​ IGNORE!!!!!!!!!" (after which I promptly and politely thanked the individual for her feedback), which was then followed by --"yeah well...such long and comments [sic] make me just freakin pass your shit good bye!!!!!!!!!!!"

One might say, “oh just let it go”, but the choice to use all caps served the purpose to convey that this message was delivered with a heightened sense of urgency, so I drew the conclusion that it deserves a more thorough analysis. And, can I just get this off my chest – I don’t know if punctuation is a limited resource like the rain forest, but I am a fan of the exclamation point, and I simply am putting out there that I hope others see the value in making sure there are still some for all of us to use as we see fit. Let’s not waste them such that the next generation might never know the power of punctuation.

On to the main idea presented in the exchange. I haven’t yet watched The Social Network (damn power outages caused by triple digit heat indices messing up my regular internet access and DVR plans -- more on that tomorrow), but I have taken the time to interact with some young’uns and they assure me that no one is under any obligation to read everything that is posted in the social media sphere. And let me say that again to be perfectly clear – I could not find a constitutional nor a religious imperative to do so. Not an article nor a chapter/verse could I cite. (To the contrary, there were tenets of “free will” that were undercurrents of both documents.)

After all, let’s not get it twisted (I promise that I will soon retire that phrase -- but, for now, it makes me feel all double snap sassy when I use it). I will post. I will post daily. I will nigh unto guarantee that there will be seven posts from me by the time a week has ended (eight, once the Penn State football season starts). Sure, a vacation or a power outage or a multi-day hangover may occasionally force me to catch up by posting multiple times in one day – but the volume is going to be predictable if you consider the larger time frame. Oh – and my tech generation representative nephew set it up so that each post also shows up as a note on my Facebook page. Since the synching of that process is a little more unpredictable, you may even see a day where four fortnights worth of posts appear as notes at the same time (that just happened recently, maybe me look even more annoying?). But have no doubt – I will post. This is my creative outlet. This keeps me on the right side of that little line between sanity and insanity. This is what I do and how I roll.

Enough grandstanding – how about I get down to the brass tacks and provide some action steps for those feeling the same way as my cyber-commenter. Because I recognize that you don’t have to be my captive audience for my thoughts. But here’s where the beauty of Facebook comes in. You have options.

Tip #1: Remember that concept of free will. It may be a shocker (although I thought it was obvious), but you can ignore what I post. To do so on a laptop view of Facebook, simply keep on moving your mouse down the page. If you follow social media on a smart phone, it will require you to expend a little more energy – but with practice, I have confidence that you can master the finger slide to move on to another’s status update with just little effort. When I was younger, TV was a main source of information – so if you’re of that age or older, look at it this way – it’s like changing the damn channel, that’s how easy it is. For instance, if you don’t like Fox News (insert the downfall of Rupert Murdoch reference here) because the subtext of every scene is that Obama is the Antichrist, then turn the channel. If you don’t like MSNBC (insert left liberal leaning media lament here) because the subtext of every scene is that Obama is the second coming of the actual Christ, then turn the channel. It doesn’t get much simpler or less obtrusive on your daily routine.

Tip #2: If, for whatever reason, you are under the influence of something or someone or some amount of alcohol and can’t enjoy the exercise of free will, then the functions of Facebook provide you with a way to hide my content. I recognize it’s the more WASPY approach to conflict, but if it accomplishes what you need it to, than, by all means, hide away. And, because I’m that kind of guy – here’s how you do it: Move your mouse over any of my random posts, click on the "X" button that appears to the right, and then select the option to hide me.

Tip #3: Feel like taking it a step further? Want to exercise that free will and make a personal statement at the same time? Offended by something I’ve said or implied or inferred or that you took out of context? De-friend me (and here’s how it is done: click on the picture of my increasingly chubbier face, scroll down to the bottom of my page, and click on "defriend" on the left hand side of the screen). Of course I’ll miss you, but in a karmic way, I’ll be much happier knowing that you are much happier by not having to see my posts. I’ve ranted about the de-friending process before (ironically, one year ago -- see post for July 24, 2010 on http://www.capcognition.blogspot.com/), but just know that “I get it”. As I said, I’m not everyone’s “flavor” – and I’m actualized enough to be OK with that.

Tip #4: Still not satisfied? Here’s where old Zuckerberg's intelligence and stubborn streak and vindictiveness will work to your advantage. Facebook has an unbelievable feature that makes people disappear. It’s amazing – like your own personal “Eraser” at your fingertips – like contracting out a mob hit but in the least messy way possible and without having to carry the side effects of paying to have a life snuffed out for the rest of your existence. Either you or I can take that extra step to block a person (and it's easy -- do the same thing I say in step 3 but choose "block" instead of "unfriend" -- and I guess you could "report" me too, although I don't think that the fact that "you don't get me" is going to be actionable by the folks in charge). I promise that our social media paths will never cross again, and I have to imagine, for some, it’s a bit of freedom to seek out the next target against which you can demonstrate your general lack of manners.

Oh -- and I have one last bee in my bonnet, thorn in my side, burr under my saddle, etc. etc. that I just have to say. If you can count on one hand the number of face to face interactions that you and I have had in my adult life (my childhood doesn’t count unless those interactions were of the way memorable kind), chances are that your feedback isn’t going to be as valuable to me. Seeing that sentence in print just now – it looks like it might be mean-spirited. But please know that it’s just me being direct and a little extra blunt. Instead, if you would have to borrow the tiny hands and bound feet of all the females that were allowed to survive their birth in government-mandated –one-child-China just to have enough digits to enumerate our time spent together, then I look forward to your feedback. And, if you’re in that second camp (that I just inadvertently made Communist through my choice of imagery), I already know that you’ll have the decency and class to communicate with me privately about your concerns.

So -- I guess it all comes down to freedom of expression, and, in a full circle kind of way, that hasn’t been lost on me. That drive and determination that I have to post daily ultimately stems from the same concept that allowed this incident to happen in the first place – she was just as free to express herself as she did in the comment(s). Now I know why it’s so hard to stop those Westboro Wackjobs on their protest tours. But now I also know why the most effective counter to their spewing of hatred and assorted vitriol are the expressions in the way of counter protests – the bikers who provide the safe passage for grieving military families. The angels with the giant wings who show up with a simple but powerful message of love to block out the crazy scribblings on the signs of the cult of hatred. So yes, express away – but don’t you dare attempt to stop me from doing the same and from doing it my way (in what now has officially become my longest rant/post/update ever)!

If this sermon-esque status update were presented in a different format, we might close by passing around the collection plate. But since I’ve never attempted to monetize my blog, that’s not relevant. Instead, I’ll close with a selection of songs that communicate my deepest and most random thoughts on this issue: “You’re not the boss of me now”, “I fly above all the haters”, “I won't back down”, "I will not go quietly", “I gotta be me” and “I’m not here for your entertainment”. Oh, and I’m not above a little pandering – so, in conclusion, “God bless America”.








(video deleted cause Don Henley protects his creative output -- but you get it, right?)







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