April 17, 2011

Random Soapbox for Saturday 4/16/11

I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but ...

... I am sick and tired of the constant arguing and disagreement over every single legislative item -- partisanship ran rampant with talking heads slavishly adhering to sound bites beating the drums during the non-stop news cycle leading to uncertain outcomes about our future. By the way, I'm not talking about the national political cycle that is now 2012 focused (and can I just say I fear for Tampa Bay next year as it hosts the seemingly-always-in-need-of-anger-management-Tea-Partiers at its nominating convention). It's the state of Maine that has me peeved at politics.

The Republicans and Democrats are fighting there over what should be the state dessert. Whoopie Pies, say Republicans, are sold all over the state! They are lard-laden "frosting delivery vehicles" say the Democrats, who prefer wild blueberry pies. And, adding to the urgency, my birth state of PA (I have the document to prove it!) is taking exception to all of the claims, stating that its Amish communities invented this item. (And I regularly buy them at Green Dragon or whenever I can return to my Roots -- like I'm planning to on May 31 -- so I vote for the Amish/PA connection.)

Could it be that the Supreme Court will have to get involved? Not since the Revolution has there been a greater threat to our union. When will someone step up with proof that the Amish stole the recipe from the Native Americans, thus rendering this dispute moot? And who's going to be able to see through this dessert distraction to actually take on issues like the deficit, and jobs growth and sustaining the recovery we're kind of experiencing?

I say Whoopie Pies for all! As a matter of fact, you can pay me my tax refund in Whoopie Pies! (Just mix them up a little, please -- as I'm fond of the Oatmeal, and the Pumpkin and the Chocolate with Peanut Butter filling, and that Red Velvet one I got from the Amish in Indiana was a nice treat ...)

[And, for perspective, at least we have the luxury to be in a Whoopie Pie fight, instead of having to rely on Cow Patties for our sustenance. Yep, I'm squeezing in one last overdue Amazing Race Aside, hearkening back to the last episode where beauty queen Mallory wore her traditional manure outfit to play with the water buffalo poop in that week's detour. She stopped long enough to reflect on the boat ride down the Ganges about how poor poor really can be. If we only knew how lucky we all are, all things considered. Kind of makes our disputes a little petty, eh?]




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