May 26, 2010

Random Wordplay for Wednesday 5/26/10

Circle of Intimacy.

Used in a sentence ... "I'm not talking about some ménage à sphere here (after all, I'm not in college any more), but instead it's the notion that in health care emergencies, it's important to be able to choose those whom you want to be around you -- your own designated individuals who complete your circle of intimacy."

Some families are super-close ...and some "families" are people you choose to put in your life based on circumstance or reality that have no DNA connection. Look -- my biological father recently took ill, and the hospital called me before his MRI to ask if he had any metal bits in him or any tattoos on him. Just the fact that he was born during the original Great Depression (and not its recent reprise) should demonstrate the fact that our generation gap is more like a generation canyon -- which means that I said "I don't think he did, but I've only known him since 1972, and, even then, only off and on these last twenty years." In my opinion, he should have the right to choose those he wants to be with him in his final days and not be restricted to what the hospital has to enforce.

Now, a new executive order gives us all that privilege. But just in case you're called on for my behalf, here are the answers to the above questions to get you access to my circle -- no metal bits, two pieces of graphite from elementary school pencils still in my left hand (I blame them for my slow descent to insanity) and five tattoos (with three more designed and just not installed).



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