April 22, 2010

Random Thought for Thursday 4/22/10

When I was little, the MiniPages were part and parcel of the Sunday comics experience (do kids still "learn" from that source?), always teaching me something about assorted themed topics. Even thought that's not in the local Chicago papers, I still learned something new from a recent comic strip in the funny pages (do people still call it that?) ... about how pink lemonade was formed by a guy named Pete Conklin who made lemonade with water "dyed pink from a horse rider's red tights". The comics didn't begin to go into the fact that there are so many competing theories about pink lemonade's origin -- although most do seem to spring from the circus, and most do seem to involve the fact that a guy needed more water for his refreshment stand and could only find some that had been "dyed" because clothing or a blanket or something had fallen in the water. Nowadays, that would seem to be grounds for a lawsuit, but I guess it certainly wasn't going to be the last time that artificial dyes found their way into what we eat and drink. Further proof that you can find edification where you least expect it. [And if this isn't your cup of tea, you can always pull out the silly putty and imprint a panel!]

PINK LEMONADE ORIGIN STORIES: http://www.barrypopik.com/index.php/new_york_city/entry/pink_lemonade/



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