November 6, 2016

Random Scandal Sheet for Sunday 11/6/16

What southern Florida is talking about this week:

... the upcoming election.

For the last few weeks, I've offered up my official endorsements for the statewide Senate race, the statewide amendments and the local county ballot propositions.  All that's left is the BIG one ... 

I am now prepared to go on record that I'm voting for KASICH and O'MALLEY ... except they didn't survive the debate phase of the cycle (and, admittedly, as such, they didn't get the thorough vetting that the others did ... so maybe something might have come up to sway my mind).

All kidding aside, I've consistently said throughout this process that the participation rate in our elections is embarrassingly low, and that I just want people to actually vote, regardless of whom they choose.  For me, making the choice means deciding which of the candidates best addresses the biggest concerns of the individual choosing.  To whit, here are mine:

Most personally to me, I would like to stay employed.  Since my employer services international students (many of whom are Muslim) who have come to this country to take our medical licensing exams so that they can pursue a career as doctors in the US and seeing as how any short sighted shutting down of that process would result in a lack of business for my business -- and a potential loss of a job -- it can be no surprise that I'm officially now "with her".

Not wanting to be a one issue voter, the second factor in my decision is the fact that Pres 45 will have an outsized influence on the Supremes -- and I have a personal investment in some recent decisions that I do not want to see overturned plus I have the hardest time with "strict constructionists" who refuse to take into account over two hundred years of progress and who pretend that the founding fathers had the foresight to predict how modern times would need to be adjudicated.  As such, I am officially now "with her".

Then there are the nuclear codes.  They need to be with someone with a bit more temperamental stability.  Those two words joined together can ONLY apply to one of the candidates ... so indeed, I am officially "with her".

Plus the VPs.  Here's a prediction that I've said privately:  if he wins, I think there's a high likelihood that he will do something insta-impeachable or quit within the first 100 days.  If she wins, I think there's a high likelihood that she will be pursued relentlessly until someone finds something to drive her out of office.  So if you are one of those who has an issue between choosing the "lesser of two evils", then maybe make your decision based on the VP candidates.  His is too hateful and too old school and too angry-old-white-man for modern times.  In the VP vote, I'm also "with her" choice.

Ultimately though, I believe strongly that he cannot be rewarded for the extreme divisiveness he has introduced into the political process.  He cannot be rewarded for the destruction he has wrought unto the classic Republican party.  He cannot be rewarded for the hatred toward minorities and "the others" that he has served to amplify.  He cannot be rewarded for his casual approach to sexual assault.  He cannot be rewarded with the final prize for this "Presidential Apprentice" show that he created by bastardizing our democratic process.  For those reasons, I am "with her".

The fact that she is a she, and would be the first she to be president is icing on the cake -- a most fortunate side effect of my choice.  (And the fact that I can't stand any of his surrogates, and that they all seem like the kids who joined the debate team just because they like to hear themselves talk when they argue and that they lack all skills of logic is not officially a variable.  Although it IS true -- those surrogates are the worst.)

In the end, I am pleased to endorse Hilary Clinton for President.  I am "with her".

So sayeth the Troy.  Now make your decision after deciding what is most important to you ... and go out and VOTE on Tuesday!




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