September 7, 2016

L V C || C L Memory 30

In 30 days, I'll be back on campus at my alma-mater at an extra special homecoming as Lebanon Valley College continues celebrating its 150th birthday.  In honor of that countdown, here's memory #30:  getting notes from "Mom" when I stopped by "home".

Look -- the quotation marks are only because both of those were somewhat non-traditional for me during my college years.  Even though I was firmly established living on campus, I was just one town away from being able to stop by the place where I considered "home" -- where I lived after running away from my (literal) home as a senior in high school.

When I did stop by -- sometimes overnight, all depending on my work schedule and such -- I found messages like this one from March of 1994 from Judy W (the aforementioned "mom") ... an invitation to my father's fifth wedding (he's the Ralph in the note).  As I recall, my response was that I wasn't able to make that one but that he should be sure to let me know about the *next* one.  (I did say it was his fifth one, right?)

In my opinion, this note belongs here in this countdown as it serves as a reminder of those who were supporting me all through college (she who wrote this note) and those that kind of weren't (he who was planning a summer wedding).  Or -- as they say -- it's all about perspective and being thankful for what you had instead of dwelling on and being dragged down by what you didn't.

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