August 21, 2016

L V C || C L Memory 47

In 47 days, I'll be back on campus at my alma-mater at an extra special homecoming as Lebanon Valley College continues celebrating its 150th birthday.  In honor of that countdown, here's memory #47:  correspondence from roomie Jon M.  (I *told* you that I couldn't tell the story of my LVC memories without mentioning him a bunch of times.)

A few things ... first, notice the time and date stamp as the heading.  It was an "ask" of mine to include that on letters to me, ostensibly so I could keep my files organized.  Come to think of it, now that it's 25 years later and I'm re-opening those same files, I guess I can remove the word "ostensibly" from that comment.

Second, that reference to whether there any bruises on Matthew was a question about my car (I left LVC my junior year only on an 18 speed bike ... but by the time I returned for my senior year, I had a used Ford Escort).  As to why it was named Matthew, I can't say what I used to say back then because I now understand it to be sexist.

Third, those three cheers in the close were for Cher, Fred Couples and the US (because the US Open was about to start).  I first thought that it might have been VS, as in Pearl Jam's album, but that hadn't been released yet.

Finally, please ignore that extra 'h' in Jon's name.  By the time we parted ways and shut down the dorm room, it would be gone.

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