June 29, 2016

L V C || C L Memory 100


In 100 days, I'll be back on campus at my alma-mater at an extra special homecoming as Lebanon Valley College continues celebrating its 150th birthday.  In honor of that countdown, here's memory #100:  the end of the semester abroad!

As they say: alle müssen eine gute Sache zu einem Ende kommen.  To be clear, I'm talking about the time in Koln in the fall of 1990 and not this countdown.  There are still 100 more memories ahead.

But before we wrapped the semester over there, we did two things.  First, Tracey F and I compiled a yearbook of sorts (on typewriter paper of all things) with 12 pages of quotes and graphs and lists and charts of everything that happened to the group of us Americans studying aboard that year ... and second, at the final dinner, we handed out the "adapt to the local conditions" awards, which was both a celebration and a gentle dig at one of the cohort leaders who thought we weren't immersing ourselves as much as we should have been and had yelled at us one day to "adapt to the local conditions".

My awards that night included, but were not limited to, "the ducks' best friend" (I used to feed part of my authentic German sandwich bread to them on my lunch break), "the most competitive class ender often through inappropriate quotes or comments" (which is self explanatory) and "the most complex personality" (it's how I roll).

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