October 15, 2014

Random Wordplay for Wednesday 10/15/14


Used in a sentence.  "One week ago, I gave my whirlwind tour of PA a tagline to use that described my full itinerary ... and now that it's ended and I'm home in Florida, it's time to add one more 'RE word' to the mix:  Respect.Reune.Reconnect.RECOVERY.2014!"

Luckily, I learned a long time ago to always add an extra day to vacations for the "winding down" part, and so work won't start again until tomorrow morning, allowing me time to unpack and get organized and ease back into the routines of normal life.

And in lieu of the typical companion links on my posts ... here's a list of thank-yous in somewhat chronological order ...


Boss-lady Kiley P for approving my vacation during a busy month at work.
The flight passengers for none of them having had the Ebola.
That lady on the navigation system on my phone with whom I conversed quite frequently.
All the local Kaplan folk who didn't know I stopped by their real estate locations ... and all the ones that did ... and listened to me explain why I was there.
Rick Astley and the Bangles for kicking off the 1989 themed music on the trip.
Anyone who made the Flight 93 memorial the powerful experience that it is ... especially those who gave their life that day.
The Amish girl for serving up that ice cream.
Aunt Jeannie for getting me to go to see Uncle Jimmy on the way out of town after the Green Dragon trip.
Judy W and Robin O for spending time to catch up before our group trip to Houston next month.
Kerri G for planning the Friday night social cum main reunion event ... and for the breakfast talks.
Amy M for forgiving my tab for all of those "gladly-pay-you-tomorrow-for-a-peanut-butter-cup-today" instances from high school.
Sherri F for the goodie bag ... and Eric F for hosting the Friday night get-together ... and Kyle K for being someone who can just pick up our friendship any time any place over the years.
The Holiday Inn Express Lebanon for the bacon at Saturday's breakfast.
Jym A for guarding the car in the bad part of town when the rest of us went for bridge pictures.
Cornell W and Lynda H for coordinating the high school tour.
Mrs. Jones for *giving* that tour.
Kristi H for inviting Cheryl M to join us for the ceremonial eating at the A&M.
Erik S for catching me up on all the things going on in his life (and for helping me turn around in his driveway)
Sue C for not remembering our last written exchange during our college years.
Lisa D for being a part of our reunion dinners.
Jenn G for returning to the room for quality conversation after said dinner.
Holly A for all the great pictures that were shared all over the Facebook.
Laura W for coordinating a chance to see baby Lennon on this trip.
Denny W for the pizza party!
Ben W for going to get Otis to join said pizza party.
Penelope for finally trusting me ten years later.
Corey W for being there when we stopped by to say hello.
Lennon W, Nevaeh W, Elvis W and Hunter W for representin' the next generation of the Whitmans so well.
Bonnie B for the authentic chicken and waffles ... and for the family stories ... and for the graveside visits.
Andy P and Andrew M (and Simon!) for joining me on my own LVC tour.
Dr. Scott for being unretired and in his office at just that moment we hit the third floor of the Humanities building.
Kerrilee D for the dinner and the dinner conversation.
Doubletree Philly for the warm cookie upon check in.
Andy P and Kerrilee D and Tara H for cautioning me against the DC traffic when it came adjusting my original Tuesday plans.
Bickels and Utz and Gazebo Room for making the kind of products worth tipping the luggage scales on the return trip.
The Southwest counter woman for having patience as I rearranged said luggage to avoid a fee.
Casanova and Octavius and Murder for staying out of trouble while I was away.
(c) for all the right reasons.

To anyone and everyone whom I may have forgotten ... or not gotten to visit in the last week ... until next time, whenever that may be.

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