June 5, 2013

Random Wordplay for Wednesday 6/5/13

Day of Incongruity.

Used in a sentence:  "Nobody warned me ahead of time, but I noticed on my daily walk to go get the paper that today was clearly a Day of Incongruity in my 'hood."

Exhibit A:  I walked past the My Fit Foods down on the corner (it opens in three days), where the staff were inside, in plain view of all passers-by, filling their faces with Panino's Pizza.  To be clear, I can vouch for Panino's (it is the best pizza in the 'hood) -- I'm just pointing out that it didn't seem to match the image the company's going for.  If only I had been quick enough to snap a photo.

Exhibit B:  I walked past the local branch of Waffles (I cannot vouch for this place, as it is still too hip for me and mine to get a seat, and I am the farthest thing from an early adopter), and had to duck the giant SUV that had performed a quick u-turn, rode up on the curb and then stayed on it as the driver attempted to salvage some kind of parallel park maneuver.  Unashamed, the driver of the giant car got out, and I saw a tiny, barely five foot tall woman as the culprit.  Had I not already been staring at her and smh (I learned that acronym from the young folks), I would have checked to see if she was using one phone book or two to see over the windshield.

Exhibit C:  I so like my lists in threes, but I didn't see another incongruous item.  Of course, one could argue that the fact that it is 2013 and I'm making references to reading a paper and phone books might qualify.

Anyway -- Happy Day of Incongruity to you and yours!




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