September 11, 2012

Purposeful Tune for Tuesday 9/11/12

On this day of remembrance of all those lost and those left behind who lost loved ones from the horrific events of 9.11.01, what more fitting tune to choose than this one by the guy who we had over to sing on the back porch this past weekend.

And by "the guy", I mean the Boss himself, and by "on the back porch", I mean approximately 3000 feet away at Wrigley Field.

In my life, I associate 9.11 with Chicago, as it was on 9.10 that "Operation Move To Chicago from PA" had begun -- with the task at hand upon arrival that night to find an apartment and a job during the week's "vacation".  Upon waking up on Tu 9.11, it was a quick walk outside of the hotel to find out that they were evacuating downtown Chicago (unsure if one of those buildings in Chitown's skyline was the next target).  And then -- many many hours were spent in front of the television (as it was for so much of America).  Luckily, an apartment was found by the end of that week (the first one in Chicago -- in Logan Square) ... but no job was lined up until closer to the end of the year (my interesting stint at TCF Bank) as everyone was so unclear about the future.

This song speaks of the healing, and the unifying, and the strengthening of the spirit of us all -- truly a "rising" to which we are all invited.  And this photo of the Freedom Tower is from my trip to NYC this past summer -- a "rising" indeed -- that speaks to our ability to heal from unspeakable acts.

"Come on up for the rising, come on up, lay your hands in mine ...
Come on up for the rising, come on up for the rising tonight ..."


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