April 23, 2011

Random Soapbox for Saturday 4/23/11

[Holy Hell Week resumes ... for two more days of doubling up on the posts so you can pick the one that suits your mood. And on a Saturday, that means a rant and a rave!]

HOLY (-ier post):

I don't mean to go off on a rave here, but ...

... what a holiday weekend we got going on. Bookended by Earth Day and Easter, there's also today's celebration of William Shakespeare's birth. Our governor in Illinois even declared today "talk like Shakespeare day", so why not just quote him directly (from Love's Labour Lost):

"He draweth out the thread of his verbosity finer than the staple of his argument."

If I ever need to change the whole concept of my Capricious Cognition thing, this might just fit!


HELL (-ish post):

I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but ...

... what a difference a year makes. Last year at this time, "frat house on the hill" was what they were calling Congressman Eric Massa's office environment where he preyed on his young male interns, forcing them to live with him in DC. [Read up on it -- it's a great modern twist to the sexual harassment debate.]

Now, "frat house on the hill" is the attack cry against those congressfolk who are choosing to save personal funds by living in their offices. And it apparently is across the aisles (it's not just a Red or a Blue or a Black* thing), with critics in an uproar stating that their offices aren't meant to be lived in and that you shouldn't run to represent the people if you can't afford a place in Washington. And some go so far as to say that they should have to pay taxes on the imputed benefit for lodging.

You know what -- if a representative wants to sleep on a couch and shower at the gym in order to be thrifty, I say "more power to him or her"! And you know what else -- that same representative can really impress me once he or she applies that same level of thriftiness to our current financial morass. (Eric Massa -- insert "more ass" joke here.)

[*By the way, what is the color to associate with the Tea Partiers? Black goes with Tea but from what I've seen on TV, that color makes them see red! And since red is the color for anger, maybe they should co-opt Red from the Republicans (like they're trying to take over the party itself.) And then Republicans could affiliate with the color Grey (like an elephant -- or like the increasingly higher average age of its active members.) Or to keep this all flag-friendly, maybe the Tea Party could represent the color White (or is that just all kind of redundant, if you know what I mean).]


FRAT HOUSE ON THE HILL as popular in 2010:

FRAT HOUSE ON THE HILL as popular in 2011:

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