April 1, 2010

Random Thought for Thursday 4/1/10

So it's finally happened. My nephew has set up a dedicated spot on the internet so that I can officially be a blogger instead of bastardizing my Facebook account to spew out random thoughts. I am pleased to announce the launch of Capricious Cognition, found directly at the link below. I still have to work out a few technological details ('cause overall, I'm still a Luddite) like how to add images to make things look more eye-catching ('cause overall, I'm still not good at editing my thoughts so there's a lot of text) and how to make my post show up automatically in my FB profile as a note ('cause overall, I still have a captive audience there and don't know how long it will take for CapCog to take off) -- oh and the goal is to make it all easier and less time consuming for me ('cause overall, this thought for Thursday isn't actually being posted until Friday). But anyway, here it is in its most basic format for those of you who haven't already suppressed my randomness on your feeds and who might support my move beyond Facebook exclusivity (the first step toward random world domination, says the Lex Luthor in me).


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