March 20, 2010

Random Soapbox for Saturday 3/20/10

I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but when is someone going to let Bonnie Hunt put on her quality shows for any length of time? I'm in Indiana with family this weekend, so I missed the rally that was at Wrigley Field right outside my apartment to try to "save" her afternoon talk, but I have to say that I support the cause. I recognize I watch a good bit of television, and some of it is surely drivel (for instance, I'm supporting the Crybaby Tool couple at the Academy in season 3), but the Bonnie Hunt show is most certainly not. Maybe it's the basic decency with which she treats all her guests, maybe it's the midwestern sensibilities that allow her to rise above entertainment business shenanigans, maybe it's the quick wit on ever-present display, maybe it's the loyalty she offers and inspires from her staff, maybe it's the determination that something good can always come from what she does or maybe it's just that she's "quality people" ... but I know my outlook is always improved after I watch her shows. With non-renewal already announced as the second year of her talk fest draws to a close, I can only hope that she moves quickly to her next opportunity. There are seemingly so few in the public eye who act on a calling to demonstrate, advance and protect "humanity", and the humor and sincerity with which she accomplishes that task is a much-in-need remedy for today's fast-paced world. Godspeed on wherever that journey next takes her, and here's hoping she finds a way to again share it with us!

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