February 20, 2010

Random Soapbox for Saturday 2/20/10

I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but ...

...we need some creativity in leadership to fix our immigration situation. And let me get two things straight right up front -- 1) aren't we all immigrants to this land (...just some with older squatting rights than others)? I've done my research and I know that I'm paternally old school Prussian (irony -- my grandfather fought in WWI "on our side" in battles started by his ancestors), and maternally a good mix of English, Dutch and 1/16th Native American (from whence I get my dash of ethnic mystique); 2) I don't care if you are more apt to crack open the bio of Al Franken or Lou Dobbs or Sarah Palin, compassion should permeate all parts of the ideological spectrum. Those items being said, I drove past a certain gas station on the west side of town where "illegals" gather to be chosen for odd projects from those looking for handymen that they can pay under the table. Local police were shoo-ing them away (move along, nothing to see here) ... and when I drove past half an hour later, they had all re-congregated faster than dried McOnions reconstitute when you add water. I know we're talking about building a border wall (I have a chunk that I chopped off of the one that separated Berlin during the Cold War to remind me of how that attempted separation turned out), but there have to be some more creative and humane policies and strategies at the top level then the "make it to land, you stay, but if we catch you in the water, sashay away" nonsense. In the meantime, for the many that are aquĆ­, let's make sure their kids get educated, their dignity gets spared and their families get fed. Let's not waste local resources to just chase them away from that gas station and pretend that such a maneuver is progress. Let's recognize that they made sacrifices to get to our land like our forebears, and let's rally around the old-fashioned concept that we are truly the land of opportunity!


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